Statistics & Reporting

Campaign report

After AI BOT completes the campaign, the report will be automatically sent to the email set up in the previous step (4. Advanced settings) and displayed in the reporting dashboard including.

Overview report

The overview report shows the following data:

Campaign costs

  • Average duration per call

  • Total call time

  • Number of blocks used

  • Total cost of the campaign

Campaign performance

  • Call results: Report call results by action code

  • Customer status: Approached / Not approached

  • Call status: shows the total number of calls made during the campaign (including callbacks)

    • Successful calls: Calls are successfully connected and the customer answers the phone. The returned result code does not belong to the following codes: BS (line busy); NA (no answer) and CU (connection error)

    • Unsuccessful call: the customer does not answer the phone because the line is busy (BS) or there is no answer (NA)

    • Error call: call cannot be connected due to connection error (CU)

  • Call duration: Total interaction time between customers and Voicebot AI from the moment they answer the phone to the moment the call ends.

Detailed report

Detailed reports show the status, duration, and result code of each call.

Detailed usage reports

Detailed account usage

You can view detailed account usage reports by following these steps:

(1) At the main interface, select " Detailed usage "

(2) Interface with detailed usage statistics of the most recent month for each AI Voicebot in the account. The report shows the following metrics: Sessions, messages, and blocks.

Details of Voicebot AI usage

See the detailed usage report of each AI Voicebot by month as follows:

(1) Select Report Statistics -> select Access Statistics

(2) Select the report viewing period

(3) View reports of statistical indicators. The metrics below are calculated for all campaigns performed during the reporting period.

  • Sessions: Total number of Voicebot AI blocks used for campaigns.

  • Messages: Total number of Voicebot AI responses to customers. Each time the bot responds, it is equivalent to 1 message.

  • Dialing duration: Total time from the time Voicebot AI starts running the campaign until the customer answers the phone.

  • Phone call duration: Total interaction time between the customer and Voicebot AI from the time the customer picks up the phone to the time the call ends.

  • Total calls: Total number of calls Voicebot AI made during the reporting period.

Last updated