
Webhooks allow the system to access APIs from another application/system in real-time, support integration, or access calculation formulas from information data provided by customers.

For example: Calculate the monthly payment amount based on the loan amount and loan period according to a bank's loan consulting scenario. The customer provides the values of parameters: loan amount (loan_amount), loan duration( loan_duration), and type of loan ( loan_type ).

Setting up a Webhook allows access to the calculation API from the provided variable value, returns the corresponding loan plan metrics mapped to the loan_option parameter and is set up with the response settings as follows:





I want to borrow money


Currently, VA supports two types of loans: mortgage loans and unsecured loans, which form do you want to borrow?


Mortgage loan

type_loan = “mortgage loan”


VA currently has many diverse and attractive products according to your needs. Can you tell VA what purpose you borrowed the loan for?


Take a loan to buy house

Loan_purpose= “home loan”


How much money do you want to borrow?


1 billion

amount_money = “1,000,000,000”


VA can currently support loans up to 15 years for the purpose of a house loan. How long do you plan to borrow?


About 10 years

loan_duration = “10 years”


With a loan amount of 1 billion within 10 years, the monthly payment is USD 1000. You can click the button below to view detailed information on the loan option or customize another loan option according to your needs.

With the loan amount { loan_amount} within {loan_duration }, the monthly payment amount is { monthly_payment_amount} USD. You can click the button below to view detailed information on the loan option or customize another loan option according to your needs.

How to set up Webhooks

  • Response Mapping: Set up the mapping of the return value from the API to the variable after processing. Use this variable in the response setup for the VA.

Last updated