Add follow-up intent

In natural communication, there are conversational flows made up of intentions that follow each other and appear in parent-intent pairs. The follow-up intent feature allows trainers to manage the context for pairs of intents that occur together. Besides, helping to orient the bot to situations that may occur in the context of a conversation helps the bot give accurate responses and meet customer requests.

For example: In the scenario below, the request to change information intent (change_info) is the main intent of the “request to change information” context. The following intentions that can occur in this context are: change phone number (change_phone_number), change email (change_email) or change customer name (change_name).

When adding a follow-up intent, the output context is automatically added to the main intent and it is also the input context of the corresponding follow-up intent. Follow-up intents are recognized only when the main intent is triggered in the conversation by the customer. Trainers can also create multiple levels of follow-up intent.

* The output context of the confirm_wrong_information intent is automatically added as the input context of the change_phone_number intent

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