Chat History

Chat History

The Chat History Management page is designed to record BOT responses to user queries, allowing users to review and assess the accuracy of these responses. It also facilitates the addition of questions from chat history into the FAQ list.

Information Available on the Page:

  • Creation Date: The timestamp when the conversation occurred.

  • Question: The user's query was submitted to the BOT.

  • Answer: The BOT's response corresponds to the user's question.

  • Source Reference: The source from which the BOT referenced information to respond to the customer.

Additional Actions Available on the Page:

  • Add FAQ

    • Add Individual FAQ: Click “Add FAQ” for each row to include the response in the FAQ list.

    • Add in Bulk: Select the checkboxes for the questions you want to add, then click “Add FAQ” at the top of the table to add multiple questions to the FAQ list simultaneously.

  • Filter Responses: Filter the responses based on the source reference used by the BOT.

  • Search Responses: Search for responses based on the questions and answers.

Last updated