Demo AI Assistant

This section will allow you to have hands-on experience of interacting with chatbots

Click Demo AI Assistant on the menu bar on the left side of the screen to navigate to the Demo AI Assistant screen

This section simulates the chatbot's interface when integrated into online platforms. You can ask the bot questions to ensure that it meets the required standards, and make changes and updates to make it smarter and more natural.

  • Chat dialog interface: welcome message, background colors, text colors... these elements have been set up and can be updated at Bot Settings -> Theme

  • Data source: represents the extracted trained data used to form the bot's answer


Enter content at Type here... To ask questions for the bot, it's recommended to ask questions related to the information in the Knowledge Base. This way, you can confirm that the bot's response is accurate and uses the correct data to answer your question. You can expect a response from the bot within seconds, and it will be displayed in the chat dialog.

Last updated