
The Knowledge base screen will show the list of topics created in the system

The topic will be displayed with following information:

  • Created at: date time created topic

  • Topic Name

  • Content data: the number of created documents of the topic

  • Status:

Some actions that users can perform on this screen:

  • Add topic

  • Search for topic

  • Edit topic

  • Remove topic

  • Activate/De-activate topic

  • Update documents for the topic


Add topic

Click on the Add button at the top left of the Knowledge Base screen, the system will display the ADD TOPIC pop-up

Enter topic name: The user should choose a short, precise, and clear name that represents the topic of data for easy storage and search.

Click the Add button to create a new topic, the newly created topic will appear on the screen


Search for topic

When there are multiple topics in the system, it can be challenging to find a specific topic by merely scanning through the list. However, you can search for the topic you want by typing its name in the search box. The system will then search the list and display the topic that matches the name you entered. This makes it easier to locate the desired topic without having to go through the entire list manually.


Edit topic

To edit the topic, select the specified topic, in the 'Action' column, click '...' -> select Edit -> the system will display a pop-up that allows you to edit the topic name


Remove topic

To remove a topic, select the specified topic, in the 'Action' column, click '...' -> select Remove-> the system will display a pop-up confirming whether you are sure to remove the topic or not

Be cautious when removing data to avoid permanent loss and recovery.


Active/De-active topic

Active/De-active topic: use/stop using topics as training data for bot.

There are two ways to activate/deactivate a specific topic:

  • You can perform right on the Knowledge base screen by click on the toggle button 'Activate/deactivate topic'

  • Another way to take action is at the topic screen, you can click on the toggle button to Activate / de-activate the topic

Last updated