Account Information

User profile

To view account information, on the Dashboard page, click on the user profile -> select Profile / Transactions / Change password to be navigated to the corresponding tabs on the Account screen.

+ Tab Profile

The Profile tab allows users to change information related to their account:

  • Upload an avatar

  • Change account personal information such as:

    • Full name

    • Phone number

    • Email

    • Address

    • Organization

  • Information about the package being registered: users can upgrade their package by clicking the Upgrade Plan button

+ Tab Transaction

The Transactions screen displays the history of package registration transactions, including the following information:

  • Transaction date: date of completion of package registration and service fee payment. This is also the day to start calculating the validity period of the package

  • Package name with service unit

  • Price total payment

  • Payment code: payment transaction code

  • Payment method: payment method that the user has made: Internet banking, or payment by credit card...

  • Transaction time: execution time

+ Tab Change password

Allows users to change password to sign into the system

Join Affiliate

See more at Affiliate Program

Information on tokens and usage documents

To register for an additional account package, click Change plan -> the system will display the package selection screen, users should upgrade their account to receive more advanced features, tokens and documents (See details at Package Registration)


Last updated