Auto-reply comment

The comment reply feature helps automatically respond to customer comments on specified posts. You can reply to comments or send messages to customers through user comments.

Note: The feature only works if the user has integrated Messenger in the Integration tab

Add Task

Step 1: Click the Reply comments tab on the Messenger integration screen, the system displays a screen allowing comment reply settings.

Step 2: Click Add to create a new response on Facebook Messenger. The system displays a pop-up allowing you to fill in the name of the comment reply section. Enter a name and click Save, the system displays the newly created information on the comment reply list screen

Step 3: In the list of operations (showing articles under review), click to edit article information & feedback content.

Step 4: Optional posts need interaction, users can choose 3 options below


When selecting this option, the system will check all posts on the page and respond (if the set conditions are met).

Contain hashtag

When selecting this option, the system will check all posts containing the entered hashtag and respond (if the set conditions are met).

How to enter: The users fill in the hashtag and press Enter on the keyboard, can enter an unlimited number of hashtags

Specific posts

When selecting this option, the system will check for posts containing the entered ID and respond (if the set conditions are met).

Step 5: Enter keywords to check in the articles

How to enter: The users fill in the keyword and press Enter on the keyboard, can enter an unlimited number of keywords to check

Step 6: Option to respond to comments and send messages

+ Respond to comments

When selecting this option, the system will respond to the comment according to the content the user has entered below (if the comment meets the established conditions).

+ Send messages

When selecting this option, the system will text the commenter according to the content the user has entered below (if the comment meets the established conditions).

You can add feedback conditions for other keywords in the same article by pressing the Add button, the system displays a new tab allowing you to fill in keywords and other feedback content.

You can delete an added tab by clicking the Remove this tab button

Step 7: Click the Save button to save the information

Edit Task name

Step 1: In the list, press the ... button, the system displays options

Step 2: Click the Edit button, the system displays feedback information allowing users to edit the feedback content

Step 3: The user proceeds to edit the response

Step 4: Click Edit to save changes

Edit response

Step 1: In the list, click on the operation that needs editing, the system displays a detailed screen allowing editing of the operation.

Step 2: Adjust the information that needs to be edited

Step 3: Click Save to save the changes

Remove response

Step 1: In the list, press the ... button, the system displays options

Step 2: Click the Remove button, the system displays a popup confirming the deletion of the response

Step 3: Click Confirm to remove the task

Last updated